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Principal's Message

Welcome to the Home of the Pack

Dear Combs Center for Success Families, 
It is an honor and a privilege to serve the students and families of the Combs Center for Success. We represent three unique programs united on one campus: Combs Online School for Success, Combs High School for Success and Combs Middle School for Success. Our vision is to serve every student who thrives in a smaller school setting and learns best in non-traditional ways. We will re-engage them towards college and career readiness through flexible, blended learning opportunities that are supported by personalized instruction. We are building the campus to meet our student's needs. 
Our school mascot is The Pack, represented by three coyotes. Coyotes rely on their community family or pack. They are extremely adaptable, resilient and wily animals. As Coyotes, we value our close connections to Combs High School, where our students earn their high school diploma from. Close collaboration with our community stakeholders will ensure that we maintain a school climate that is safe, supportive, and personalized and a school culture that celebrates diversity and is committed to high expectations for all. We our proud that our students and parents rated us an A-/B+ school in the district survey last year!  We welcome you to CCS where our motto is, "One Pack. One Purpose. Student Success."  You have a place in The Pack! 
Dr. Patricia Goolsby